Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lazing and exploring the West

Summer days have been a bit lazy. Shower time has gotten later and later and Cali, Amanda, and I are alternating between reading, playing video games, watching tv, and going to the pool. I don't think I have had a summer like this since I was 12. So far the reading has been quite good. Cali and I went and saw Leif Enger talk about his latest book, So Young Brave and Handsome, a few weeks ago. This is his second book. Peace Like a River was his first and it is one of our favorites. We have trouble keeping it stocked because we tend to recommend it and give it away. This latest book ended up being quite good, but I didn't like it as well as the first. His books have kind of a Western feel and fantastic characters. When we heard him speak he talked about how the characters always come to him first. He generally has several characters floating around in his head and eventually he gets to the point where one or two won't leave him alone and he has to tell their story. Interesting.

The latest character I read about was Hondo, the star of an old Louis L'amour (that can't be his real name right?) book. Has anyone read him? It was actually kind of good. Maybe sometimes borderline sexist and occasionally borderline racist, but all in all good clean fun. Hondo was a tough hombre. And of course their was a woman. Not just any woman. She was "all woman" (that's how Hondo described her). Anyway if you are looking for something fun and a little silly to read, I recommend it. I think maybe sometimes I like books with a bit of a Western feel. It is an escape from the trials (or lack of trials) of suburban life.


Paul said...

Hondo was made into a movie, John Wayne, I think. L'Amour lived in Durango and contemplated a "western" town out by where we went snowshoeing. He has a pretty good book about Mesa Verde. Keep reading him, he's fun

Paul said...

Hondo was made into a movie, John Wayne, I think. L'Amour lived in Durango and contemplated a "western" town out by where we went snowshoeing. He has a pretty good book about Mesa Verde. Keep reading him, he's fun

Fiddlejock said...

Ha! "Borderline racist": you had to fit it in somewhere, didn't you?